Over Rubber Technology Seminar 2023

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Agenda Jong KNCV

  1. 3D Karakterisering van nanodeeltjes onder realistische omstandigheden

    Avondlezing door prof.dr. Sara Bals georganiseerd door de Rotterdamsche Chemische Kring.

    13 mei 2024 KNCV, Jong KNCV, RCK
  2. 11th Life Science Symposium

    Altering Evolution: taking the future in our own hands

    14 mei 2024 NBV, KNCV, Jong KNCV, NVBMB
  3. Lab Technology 2024: Analytical Solutions

    Analytical solutions 2024 is part of Lab Technology 2024

    28 mei 2024 SAC, NBV, KNCV, Carrousel, Jong KNCV, NVBMB, MCCB
  4. Nationaal Chemisch Erfgoed & ALV

    De onthulling van het Nationaal Chemisch Erfgoed in Groningen en de KNCV Algemene Ledenvergadering.

    13 juni 2024 KNCV, Carrousel, Jong KNCV, CHG
  5. 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC-9)

    This congress is the 9th in a series that started in Budapest in 2006.

    7 juli 2024 farmacochemie, SAC, NBV, KNCV, DCS, Carrousel, Jong KNCV, SOC, RS, NSA, NVBMB, mm, MM, Milieuchemie, English, MCCB, Soft Matter, MCT, NVMS
  6. Avond van de Chemie 2024

    Een prachtige theatershow voor en door chemici 

    10 oktober 2024 farmacochemie, SAC, HCK, BCK, CKZ, GCK, CKMN, NBV, KNCV, DCS, NKV, Carrousel, Jong KNCV, SOC, CHG, RCK, RS, NSA, NVBMB, mm, MM, Milieuchemie, CMG, English, CTC, MCCB, SSO, Soft Matter, MCT, SCK
  7. CHAINS 2024

    CHAINS 2024 offers two exciting days of sharing and discussing latest chemistry research developments and insights.

    3 december 2024 SAC, NBV, KNCV, DCS, Carrousel, Jong KNCV, SOC, CHG, NSA, NVBMB, MM, CMG, English, CTC, MCCB, Soft Matter, MCT
Activiteiten agenda

Rubber Technology Seminar 2023

Manufacturing and processing of rubber and other polymers requires great expertise and experience. In the companies involved there is a demand for fundamental knowledge as well as state of the art technology. Can a better knowledge of available rubbers and processes resolve production problems? How must one translate production specifications to material specifications? Is one mixer really better than the other? Which possibilities are there for re-work and recycling?

These and other questions will be addressed during the Rubber Technology Seminar. The course will be held in English.

It runs under auspices of the Foundation for Polymer Technology in the Netherlands. The course includes a tour around the tyre assembling company of Apollo Vredestein BV. This will all be under the supervision of Prof. Dr. A. Blume from the department Elastomer Technology and Engineering (ETE) at the University of Twente. 

More details and the registration form can be found via the website.